Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 8, 2015

Smalls SAL - August finish, Herringbone needlepoint block

Months back I have started to stitch a part of EMS design and it went to WIP after some days.  So as a part of smalls SAL I have decided to finish it.  I am going to make this into a pillow cover.  I have included tht top border and a rose from the whole sampler.  You can find the design from here.  It is a freebie.

Also, I have added one more block to my needlepoint sampler.  It is herringbone stitch.  Learned the stitch from here.  You can learn about more stitches and patterns in that site. 

I am almost nearing the completion of my shadow work saree embroidery.  Hopefully in my next post I will show u my completed saree and a crochet Ta-da.

I am linking this post to Smalls SAL .

Also linking this to and  Vintage embroidery stitchery link party.

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